Minshuku Momofuku

  • Minshuku Momofuku

    Minshuku Momofuku

  • Entrance gate

    Entrance gate

  • Sample guestroom

    Sample guestroom

  • Sample guestroom

    Sample guestroom

  • Mr. Nakazawa

    Mr. Nakazawa

  • Sample supper

    Sample supper

  • Sample breakfast

    Sample breakfast

  • Bath



Second Home Atmosphere

Minshuku Momofuku is run by Mr. Nakazawa, a friendly retiree.  This tiny guesthouse has only two rooms and is located in the isolated village of Koguchi in the mountains between Nachi and Hongu.  It is popular with pilgrims and hikers on the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route, as well as ayu (sweetfish) fishermen.  Koguchi is located between the Ogumotori-goe (100 m to trailhead) and Kogumotori-goe (1 km to trailhead) routes.  Local produce from the surrounding mountains and rivers is served at meals.  Mr. Nakazawa hopes guests make themselves comfortable and feel like Minshuku Momofuku is their second home.

Minshuku Momofuku can only accept reservations 6 months or less in advance.

Full Name

Minshuku Momofuku
民宿 百福






224-3 Nishi, Kumanogawa-cho, Shingu City, Wakayama Prefecture, 647-1206
〒647-1206 和歌山県新宮市熊野川町西224-3

Map Code 

478 026 487*50




14:00 - 17:30


by 09:00



Rating & Reviews


Reception & Service

 Price Plan(s)

Minshuku Momofuku

  • Supper, Breakfast & Lunch box
    14,300 yen~

Minshuku Momofuku

  • Supper & Breakfast
    13,700 yen~

Minshuku Momofuku

  • Supper
    12,600 yen~

Minshuku Momofuku

  • Breakfast
    11,500 yen~

Minshuku Momofuku

  • No Meals
    9,900 yen~


Western Style No
Japanese Style Yes
Mixed Style No
Other Style No
Number of Rooms 2
Maximum Guests 3

Ensuite toilet: No
Shared western style toilet: Yes

  • Television
  • Air conditioning
  • Alarm clock
  • 2 in 1 shampoo
  • Body-wash
  • Toothbrush set
  • Face towel
  • Bath towel
  • Slippers
  • Pajamas
  • Tea


Shared Indoor Yes
Shared Outdoor No
Shared Sauna No
Privately Reserved No
Ensuite Indoor No
Ensuite Outdoor No

Bath hours: until 20:00

How to take a Japanese bath >>


Meals served in dining room (Japanese style)
Meals served in dining room from 6:00~8:00 (Japanese style)

  • Vegetarian meals possible. Please make request in advance with reservation.
  • Meal ingredients will change with the season.


Vegetarian Meals

 : Included  : Not Included

  • : Meat
  • : Fish & Seafood
  • : Eggs
  • : Dairy Products
  • : Katsuo Dashi (fish stock)
Type A
Type B
Type C
Type D
Type E

Vegetarianism is not common in the Japanese countryside. Please double-check the Vegetarian Type which the service provider can accommodate to make sure that it meets your needs. Often being able to eat trace amounts of the ubiquitous Katsuo Dashi (fish stock) makes it easier to find options.

More Information

NOTE: It is difficult and not culturally sensitive to change meal requests, or make new meal demands, onsite when you arrive at accommodations. Vegetarian types must be confirmed during the reservation process and respected during your visit.

 Facilities & Services

  • Free Wi-Fi (Guestroom)
  • Free Wi-Fi (Lobby)
  • Credit Card
  • Not accepted
  • Traveler's Cheques
  • Not accepted
  • Language
    Basic English
  • Lunch box
  •  Access

    Access Information
    Busses run daily to Koguchi from Shingu Station.
    ● ~ 1 hour by bus from Shingu Station (bus timetable #5)
    ● ~ to and from Hongu by bus you must transfer at Kanmaru (bus timetable #5)
    ●~ One day walk from Nachi or Hongu on the Kumano Kodo
    Nearest bus stop is "Koguchi 小口"
    Busses run daily to Koguchi from Shingu Station.
    ● ~ 1 hour by bus from Shingu Station (bus timetable 5)
    ● ~ to and from Hongu by bus you must transfer at Kanmaru (bus timetable 5)
    ●~ One day walk from Nachi or Hongu on the Kumano Kodo
    Nearest bus stop is "Koguchi 小口"
    Shuttle Service

    Not available.

    Not available.