No Meals

  • Sample guestroom

  • Minshuku Sumiya

  • View from sample guestroom

  • Shared washing area

  • Shared toilet

  • Sample guestroom

  • Onsen bath

  • Onsen bath change room

  • Lobby

  • View from sample guestroom

  • Sample guestroom

  • Dining room

Minshuku Sumiya


Minshuku Sumiya is a river side minshuku.  A relaxing Japanese-style accommodation in the center of Kawayu Onsen near the Kumano Hongu Taisha.

This is a great location to slow down and relax.

This plan includes no meals.

Children, Toddlers and Infants
Children (7-11)
See price list below. Same price with or without bedding.
Toddlers (3-6)
See price list below.
Toddlers who don't need bedding, 1,600 yen.
Infants (0-2)
If bedding required, same price as Toddler. See price list below.
There is no charge for Infants who do not require bedding.

When making a reservation request, please indicate the number of children. If you have any bedding requests, please write the details in the "NOTE" section. 
Once your reservation request is processed, the price will be adjusted based on the details of your request.


Standard (from March, 2025)
1 Guest per room
(Price per person)
Adult 9,300 yen
2 Guests per room
(Price per person)
Adult 9,300 yen
Child (7 to 11) 6,000 yen
Toddler (3 to 6) 4,000 yen
3 Guests per room
(Price per person)
Adult 9,300 yen
Child (7 to 11) 6,000 yen
Toddler (3 to 6) 4,000 yen
4 Guests per room
(Price per person)
Adult 9,300 yen
Child (7 to 11) 6,000 yen
Toddler (3 to 6) 4,000 yen
Peak Season from March, 2025
1 Guest per room
(Price per person)
Adult 9,900 yen
2 Guests per room
(Price per person)
Adult 9,900 yen
Child (7 to 11) 6,400 yen
Toddler (3 to 6) 4,200 yen
3 Guests per room
(Price per person)
Adult 9,900 yen
Child (7 to 11) 6,400 yen
Toddler (3 to 6) 4,200 yen
4 Guests per room
(Price per person)
Adult 9,900 yen
Child (7 to 11) 6,400 yen
Toddler (3 to 6) 4,200 yen
High Peak Season (from March, 2025)
1 Guest per room
(Price per person)
Adult 10,400 yen
2 Guests per room
(Price per person)
Adult 10,400 yen
Child (7 to 11) 7,000 yen
Toddler (3 to 6) 4,600 yen
3 Guests per room
(Price per person)
Adult 10,400 yen
Child (7 to 11) 7,000 yen
Toddler (3 to 6) 4,600 yen
4 Guests per room
(Price per person)
Adult 10,400 yen
Child (7 to 11) 7,000 yen
Toddler (3 to 6) 4,600 yen



Room Style
Bed Type
No bath in guestroom
Shared western style
Guestrooms are on the second and third floors.



From 15:00
By 10:00
In the mountains it gets dark quickly after sunset especially along the forested Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route.  For your safety, it is highly recommended to properly plan to arrive at your accommodation before sunset.


Sorry, "Reservation Requests" are not available at this time.

Please check this Article for more information.